We, that are Paul (Bakker) and Cynthia (Kolijn).
When we try to describe ourselves in single words, almost the same things comes forward in both of us. It s not surprising that there are so many similarities here. This will undoubtedly have to do with the fact that we have been together for more than 18 years now. Here we go:
enterprising – driven & passionate – spontaneously – helpful – empathetic
No doubt you will see this, when you get to know us, or when you read about our work on this website.
Luckily we are not the same!
Loves shopping, dancing.
Eating out together.
Go on holiday.

Likes to listen to music.
Eating out with friends.
Pen fishing for carp.
Read books about coaching.
Coach and confidential adviser
Paul is coach and confidential adviser. He has a lot of experience and expertise that he has gained in various coaching courses. Which he can use in his coaching conversations.
Together we share a great passion.
As a child we put our first dance steps. Paul in Gorredijk, Cynthia in Amsterdam.
After going through dance school, competition dancing was a logical next step: Standard Ballroom. That’s how we crossed each other’s (dance) path in 2002. Click? Check. Try-out successful? Check!
And then you are a competition couple.
Dutch champion
As a competition couple you go for gold of course. We have been multiple finalists at the Dutch National Championships – organized by the NADB, the Dutch General Dance Sports Association.
Our next step, in which we danced in the WDC Dutch Professional League, brought us what we had trained hard for so many years: we became Dutch Champion 2 years in a row!
International success
With great pleasure and pride we have been able to represent the Dutch flag during competitions in and outside Europe: European championships, world championships, UK and international championships (Blackpool), competitions in Belgium, Germany, France, Italy and China.
All our lives
In addition to the many NK finals and our Dutch championship, we have also focused on competitions in show dancing. The refreshing vibe and the freedom to be creative gave us a lot of energy.
What do you do when you’ve done just about everything on the dance floor? We didn’t have to think about this question. Become a trainer! We followed the training at the FDO, the Federation of Dance Instructors Training – and are now trainer/coach and jury member.
Always moving
Our profession is constantly evolving. Literally and figuratively. To keep abreast of the latest developments and trends in the dance world, we regularly attend classes with one of the great world champions in England.
This allows us to maintain our sense of dancing. And we immediately adopt new developments.
Coaching of toppers
Our steps in the dance world led naturally and logically to where we are today. We are fully committed to guiding new dancers on their way to their personal goals. The experience we have gained over the years in the profession – both technically and psychologically – makes this role a perfect fit for us.
When Paul moves
When I move and dance to music I feel myself best.
For me, that’s because your body and mind form a unity, like a kind of infinite movement.
That goes beyond the performance of the dance itself… and gives me a lot of energy!

We realize that knowledge and expertise in several areas are needed to get the best out of the dancers. That is why we involve experts from different fields – for example a sports trainer or a performance teacher – to optimize the guidance.